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How to Get rid of Water in Minecraft - A Detail Guide

Minecraft, the enormously popular sandbox game, provides players with a limitless world of possibilities and inventiveness. However, occasionally, you may face the difficulty of dealing with water in Minecraft impeding your projects or interfering with your games. Fear not, because here we will look at numerous methods for rapidly removing water from your Minecraft world, so you can keep constructing and exploring without interruption.

How to get rid of water in Minecraft?

Let’s have a complete answer to the detail-demanding question, “how to get rid of water in Minecraft?”

1- Removing Water Source Blocks:

Water in Minecraft is created by “source blocks”, a block that is the origin of a water source. Identifying these source blocks may be simple if your water body is simple or tiny. To begin, make a bucket by arranging three iron ingots in a “v” shape in the crafting menu.


When working with a waterfall, for example, determining the source block is simple because the water pours from the top. However, for other bodies of water, you must investigate the currents and determine their source.


The bucket should then be used on a water-containing block that you feel is near the source block. If it is discovered to be the source, the water body will dry up because there will be nothing to refill it. If the block is not the source, it will refill from the true source. Take notice of the direction it replenishes from.


Another way to stop water in Minecraft is to place a block directly over the source. However, using a bucket allows you to relocate the water or use it for other reasons depending on your needs.

2- Placing Solid Blocks to Control Water Flow:

The first step in efficiently managing water in Minecraft is to restrict the water supply. It is critical to keep it under control by preventing its spread. In Minecraft, water flows forth from a single “source” block. Putting something, like a block that does not allow water to pass through it on top of the source, blocks the flow of water.


However, determining the source block is not always simple. The source of a waterfall is at the top, as depicted in the image. When working with pools, though, you may need to explore by placing bricks in different squares to discover the source.

3- Using Bucket:

Make a bucket, a container that can be used to hold water, out of three iron ingots (each of which requires nine iron nuggets). Arrange your resources on your crafting table as shown below.

Use an empty bucket on a body of water to remove water. Determine the source block by observing the direction of the water flow.


Right-click on different water tiles when you’re close to the source. When you discover the source, the water will begin to drain. Remember that big quantities of water may have several sources, necessitating multiple efforts.


4- Using Sponges:

Sponges, an effective method of removing water in Minecraft, is a block that can absorb water. Because they are unique to ocean monuments, they are precious resources. Sponge rooms with moist sponges along the walls and ceiling can be found inside ocean monuments. You can mine them with any tool, although a standard hoe is the quickest.


A soaked sponge has reached its maximum capacity and cannot absorb additional water. Dry the wet sponge in a furnace using a flammable material to obtain a dry sponge.


When dry sponges are placed in water, they absorb 3 to 5 blocks before becoming wet again. You can swiftly clear larger areas with dry sponges without wasting tools. When collecting sponges from ocean monuments, be cautious because they might be deadly. Always come prepared.

5- Using Lava:

Use lava, a hot molten rock that flows on the surface of the Earth, as a substitute for sponges to clear water in Minecraft. When lava comes into contact with a water block, it changes into stone, and when it comes into contact with a water source, it changes into obsidian. This approach can help with water removal and getting stone resources.

6- Using Iron Ingots:

To remove water from Minecraft, make a bucket out of three iron ingots, a solid material that is used to craft tools and weapons. Then, using the bucket, right-click on water source blocks to collect the water and remove it from the appropriate region. The gathered water will be held in the bucket, giving you discretion over its placement or disposal.

7- Using Sand:

Another excellent approach for removing water is to use sand or gravel, which speeds up the process.

  • Access the specified zone and raise your feet above the water’s surface. Fill up the space with gravel. Each block you lay on the surface will sink until the column is filled.
  • Repeat for each water block you want to remove, leaving columns of gravel in place of the water.
  • Dig down into one of the water body’s corners to reveal two visible solid blocks beneath the lowest gravel block.
  • Replace the bottom block of one of these solid blocks with a torch.
  • Minecraft waterlogged block removal allows the rest to fall onto the torch, to clean the sand or gravel. Repeat for each block that was formerly occupied by water.

Underwater, uses this gravity-assisted approach to easily clear waterlogged sections in Minecraft.


In closing, understanding water removal in Minecraft allows players to modify their planet, build amazing constructions, and explore limitless possibilities. Learning Minecraft mechanics is essential for mastering water removal. 


Understanding these tactics, which range from using buckets and sponges to gravity-assisted methods with sand and gravel, provides designers with greater creativity and control over the gaming world. Accept the art of water removal and set out on an incredible voyage through your Minecraft universe.

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